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Friday, January 20, 2012


 hope you get the idea of hot,sexy nd Fun!!


Friday Special-Ladies

F for FUN!!

im very very much excited about this friday......   stand for fun!!!!so ladies for tonight i got hot simple styles for you.....every girl feels good wearing Versace,Louis Vuitton,D n G,Prada,Christian Loubouttin etc....weeel i have hot styles!!!1                                                                                               Coming up....Friday Night out specials.....  

Pele says Messi still has some improving to do

  Pele thinks Messi 24 has to improve at international level to be considered the greatest soccer player ever and needs to score more goals to come closer to him....

Messi already won 3 straight FIFA player of the year Awards..Pele says,'if Messi scores 1,283 goals like me,wins 3 world cups then we'll talk about it"..Pele told Le Monde..he continue saying.."Football changes,records are there to be broken but it will be hard to break mine..'....He says,"People asks when is the new Pele going to be born,I say Never my mother & father has closed the factory!!!

Although many observers consider Pele and Maradona to be the greatest ever,Messi's form for Barcelona has him being mentioned on the same group...

Messi scored 55 goals in 2011 for Barcelona and already have 213 out of 300 games for the club.He is the  club's leading scorer in the Champion League,scoring over victories over Man united in 2009 & 2011 finals..

Pele says, "I like Messi alot,he is  a great player"...that was after he was asked who his favourite current player is...he continued saying...."He's a great player for Barcelona but when he plays for Argentina he doesnt have the same success"

Pele also feels he has more natural ability than Messi...........However he knows that the debate over who is the world's greatest ever player  will always divide opinion....

Well Messi here is a Challenge for you......Prove it..Show that you are the greatest player ever!!!

Lakers’ problems extend beyond loss to LeBron


Apparently last night's lose to Heats didnt treat Kobe Bryant well!!it was reported earlier..Kobe hates loosing to Lebron....he hates it,from Cleveland to Miami the beatings have come over & over ,leaving the LA Lakers star surly& seething..Ultimately they're made easier  for Bryant because  James has repeatedly  failed in the playoffs...he plays for the championships  but this magnificient  national stages do matter to his mind embarassment isn't easily dismissed!!        "its hard to digest" Bryant told Yahoo sports LateThursday

When the beatings was over on thursday night,Kobe was settled into something rarely seen in these circumstances..something between resignation and exasperation..The offense feels like a mess because it is!!

This is a grind season for everyone ..the sport is suffering from disjoint ,choppy games hard on  the eyes and the soul....I honestly feel bad for Kobe,everything feels like fire drill..hes shots aren't the same as a year ago....mmmmmmh

what else to be said ....Wishing Kobe all the best...

Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie are pregnant!

 Angeline jolie &  Jennifer Aniston are both reported pregnant at the same time...
So Angeline has not officially announced the news..a source is quoted as saying by the tabloid OK ,"its not something she officially want to announce,but she is at the point where she tells a select group of people..Angeline is really savouring every moment,she is having a tough time with morning sickness but says its all worth it"

When it comes to Jennifer Aniston,she is reported Six-months pregnant!last week she was spotted with a noticable baby-bump which she tried to hide with a wide coat!! A close friend was quoted as said by LOOK magazine,"she wouldn't have wanted to make a big deal..but she must be so excited..if anyone ever asked whether she was worried about running out of time, She'd reply,"im absolutely having kids,there's not one doubt in my mind!!"

Well just out of curiosity,isn't it a coincidence that this beautiful ladies are pregnant at the same time??? Wonder what Brad Pitt has to say!!1
