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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Nicki Minaj - Stupid Hoe (Explicit)

Nicki Minaj - Stupid hoe LYRICS

Oscar nominations 2012: ‘Hugo’, ‘The Artist’ among Best Picture contenders

The 2012 Oscar Nomination were announced on Tuesday,with Martin Scorsese's "Hugo" leading the way with 11 nominations and the silent,black&white film "The Artist" collecting 10..

First time nominees include Jonah Hill as best supporting actor for "MoneyBall" ,Gary Oldman for best actor "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy" and Demian Bichir for "Better Life"..Celebritology Blogger Jen Chaney explains Bichir's nomination : perhaps the biggest one today came in form of Demian Bichir, a mexican who played a struggling immigrant father in the film 'Better Life" the role that gave him his first Oscar nomination for the best actor..(You may recognize him as Fidel Castro from "Che"  or Esteban from Showtimes "Weeds")..He had already earned strong critical praise for his turn in the small indie film, so industry insider and avid film buffs were certainly aware of his work.But somehow,Bichir was overlooked by the online Oscar prognosticating machine, on tha assumption that a Leonardo Di Caprio or Michael Fassbender was more likely to join the nominated-lead-actor company, cleary that was wrong. 

Catch you later for Oscar Nominations full-list!!

Khloe Kardashian to host radio show

Khloe kardashian is getting her own radio show!!

The socialite is going to be the host of a new program, "The Mix Up with Khloe Kardashian Odom"    which will be broadcast daily on Dallas station Mix 102.9,which is part of Clear Channel Media..

Kardashian recently relocated to the Texan City after husband basketball player Lamar Odom signed with NBA Dallas Mavericks.

The show starts on January 30th, a one-hour show,commercial-free show where Khloe will take requests, chat with  celebrity friends and more during the Mavericks' season while she's in Dallas with hubby Lamar Odom .

The reality star --whose famous sisters are Kimberly Kardashian& Kourtney Kardashian previously hosted a show in Miami's Y100station called "Khloe After dark" ..She is also starring on E! new reality show Khloe& Lamar which follows the couple's move from Los Angeles to Dallas...

Miley Cyrus Lets Loose at Boyfriend Liam Hemsworth's Birthday Party

The newest Hollywood bad girl  Miley Cyrus is at it again...the 19yrs old may have gotten her boyfriend Liam Hemsworth a puppy for his 22-nd birthday,but the party she helped throw for him was anything but cute and cuddly.. 

<<<<<<<-------a lovely puppy,We learned Liam wanted to call it Daisy Dukes but Miley vetoed the name..She tweeted at a friend," Liam wanted to name her that..i said NOOO WAY shes an angel!she loves her bro&sis too..

Miley & co hit the club icon  downtown over the weekend & TMZ have obtained very scandalous pics of Miss Cyrus from the party..1st she was photographed making provocative gestures towards Liam's innappropriate sexual birthday cake.Partygoers also reported that Miley was seen drinking alcohol & partying until the wee hours of the morning,the pics also show Miley dancing to a crowd wearing a little black dress with several  cutouts...

Somehow our everykids' inspiration "Hannah Montana" have gone from a Disneyqueen to Hollywood's bad girl....

Kim Kardashian Donates $50,000 to The Trevor Project

Its been a tough month for reality star Kim Kardashian, but it looks like our reality star is not only getting back into track with her post-divorce life....she is also giving back to others...

The Reality star raised $50,000 in september 2011 and is now donating the money to Trevor Project.. a group that provides suicide prevention help to LGBT teens.Kardashian choose the Cantor Fitzgerald offices to raise money because the firm lost hundreds of employees on the September 2001 World Trade Centre attack.On the 10th anniversary ,the firm's current employees donated revenues from their trade to charities, which explained on her blog after participating on the fundraiser....

Well done Kimberly....